Friday, June 13, 2008

polish Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

In the summer of 1941 the Prime Minister of Australia, John Curtin, insisted on the withdrawal of 9th Australian Division from Tobruk. Based on reports from Australian H.Q. Middle East that the health of the troops had been suffering he rejected requests from Winston Churchill to change his mind and the replacement of the division was effected by the Royal Navy during August and September.[34] During 9th Australian Division's stay in the besieged Tobruk some 3000 Australians had become casualties and 941 taken prisoner.

As the Australians were gradually withdrawn they were replaced by the British 70th Infantry Division, the Polish Carpathian Brigade and Czechoslovak 11th Infantry Battalion (East). Moreshead was succeeded as commander of the Tobruk fortress by 70th Division's commander, Major-General Ronald Scobie.

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